Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bad sisters can't make cake

...they make a mess instead.

I'm glad my sisters have their friends, cuz I don't know how to be there for them. Honestly. TAlking on the phone and bothering them to tell me what's going on with their lives is not going to help, is it?

I just don't seem to want to be on the phone 24/7!! But with the distance like this, is that the only possible way to show them that I care?

I could do better at this.

Nowadays I'm just so focused on work, school, classes and with my new used and abused girlfriend. haha, j/k. Yeah, I got a lot going on right now but each time I read my sisters xanga reading about their ever-fantastic lives, it makes me wish that I was there a little more often, a little more involved in their lives.


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