Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Graduation date is near

In the next 10 months, I will have to be figuring out where I want to take my next step in life. I always had the intent of wanting to freelance. At least that's what I've been telling anyone who has asked. My parents wants me to have a stable job. I want to do some exploring. R wants me to stay here with her on campus for another year. Although I'm not sure if I want to stay here another year. I'm sick of chambana. I feel like I'm done with this small town. I want to go to a new city, meet some new friends, run through some new fun experiences.

It's funny how the problem with money and the need to develop a career holds me back. I don't know who or where I got that notion from: the need to make a career for myself. It's like if I don't plan, I'm not going to be successful and will be a failure. I don't believe that but there is still something that holds me back. That makes me feel like a failure. I don't want to be an entrepreneur, I don't want to be a great scientist or a great anything. I just want to be someone who helps make this world a better place. Someone like a social worker (something my parents would definitely not approve), I don't need to make a lot of money damnit! Why does this society teach us to be so money and consumer driven? It pssts me off to find people so materialistic. Why do collectibles? Why the need to have expensive cars on the driveway? There's hungry kids out there! Kids that need your love and a warm home and bed to sleep in.

Maybe that's what I want to do. Any books or articles that I have read in the past, what touches me most is when kids talk about the lack of love in their life growing up. It's a sad thought and no kids should have to go through that. I want to help kids who come from troubled homes. Let's face it, not everyone is fit to be parents and some kids just have the luck to be born into a broken home, broken life. I can help ease their transition into this world a little more.

I wonder if it's too late for me to go into social work or something of that sort. There's so many child abuse cases I could help with a little.


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