Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Me and You and Everyone We know

Notice that my title is a clickable link. Click it.

If you are near a theatre that is playing that movie, go see it! I highly recommend it. It won awards from the Sundance Film Festival and a Cannes award.

It's funny and deep at the same time. Very deep. You wouldn't think so because these are everyday people but they make choices and think the same as you and I do. Because of that, it makes this movie so real and so good. I love this particular sentence from the synosis of the move. Note: you'll probably have to see the movie to understand this statement but I will try to explain it to you as well as possible.
Here's the sentence:
They seek together-ness through tortured routes and find redemption in small moments that connect them to someone
else on earth.

They refer to the characters of me and you and everyone we know. We all go through our unique journey in our life and it's not an easy life, we all know that. Nonetheless, there are those moments when life suddenly places us in a position with someone else that seems to make the rest of the world stop and it feels as if it's just us two. That simple connection validates helps us ourselves and acknowledge the facts of life. When i read that sentence, suddenly the movie made sense in my head. I realized that movie has a message that silently prods you but when you get the sense of realization, it feels as if a humongous snowball had just run over you.


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