All That Jazz

I just read the last sentence to my previous post and thought to myself. Jeez, I sound like a whiny bitch. So, you must excuse that.
I'm procrastinating again. It's 7 am Sunday morning, I woke up extra early so I could get a head start on studying. Hoping that I could study all day today.
Can I say that I love my baby boo. Yesterday was Sweetest day or was it Friday the official day? Nonetheless, she got me a vase with a combination of beautiful white roses, white lilies and Jasmines, white as well, and various other green leaves they decided to stuff my vase with. Yup, that's the picture of it. It was so scrumptiously sweet of her. Just on Friday we had a conversation about flowers. R had casually mentioned that it would be weird for a girl to get another girl flowers. R said that just to see what my reaction, fully knowing that flowers is one of my weaknesses. I love them, I love recieving them and my room has a whole wall dedicated to roses.
I told R in a whiny voice, "Nooo, it's not weird. You argue about the fact that a heterosexual relationship is just as equal as our lesbian relationship. What's so weird about getting girls flowers?"
And R let out an exasperated sigh in surrender and said. "O-K. I'll get you some flowers next time."
To my delight, I got fresh flowers delivered to my door Saturday morning. It seems she was just setting me up for it. When I pointed out our Friday night conversation she giggled and said. "I'm good huh?"
She's such a darling! The flowers were truly a wonderful gesture. I'm not sure why her decision to make all the flowers white, but still the combination makes it a most delicate gift.
Through the whole day I left it on the coffee table here. Might I add that my other two roomies were gone for the weekend so it was just me and my girl in the apartment. Although the roomies left Friday evening and are coming back Sunday morning. I'm expecting them home anytime soon.
The rest of the Saturday I spent 'trying' to study. You can guess at my success. We went out to eat twice! Both times the kitchen forgot our food. The morning brunch's restaurant excuse was that the slip of paper fell behind the grill. The dinner's excuse was somehow our order got mixed up. Me and R didn't mind so much though, so no complaints from us. We're actually very good customers really!
Good Enough
hey your glass is empty. it's a hell of a long way home, why don't you let me take you, it's no good to go alone. i never would have opened up but you seemed so real to me, after all the bullsh-t i've heard it's refreshing not to see. i don't have to pretend, she doesn't expect it from me. so don't tell me i haven't been good to you, dont' tell me i haven't been there for you. just tell me why nothing is good enough. hey little girl would you like some candy, your momma said that it's okay, the door is open come on outside, no i can't come out today. it's not the wind that cracked your shoulder and threw you to the ground. who's there that makes you so afraid you're shaken to the bone. you know i don't understand, you deserve so much more than this. so don't tell me why he's never been good to you. don't tell me why, he's never been there for you, and i'll tell you that why is simply not good enough. so just let me try and i will be good to you. just let me try and i will be there for you, i'll show you why you're so much more than good enough.
by Sarah McLachlan
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