Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The little black book

It should be kept hidden, it should have never been found. My high school friends and I use to keep this little black book that got passed around between the 4 of us and we wrote anything and everything--boys, poems, pictures, random thoughts. It's funny how we go back to it and read it again and find out how much it reveals to us when we're older now. of course, we're older, more mature and experienced now and that book somehow shames me. i'm not as close friends to those girls anymore due to distance, romance problems and separation of personalities. So to have those girls read through that book again and figure out how not much has changed since. I feel a little naked. That little black book had private thoughts and points of views that i'd rather have it put away for now. i feel like it reveals too much about me yet we all can dismiss how that book only keeps a memory of who we were back 6 yrs ago. so much has changed since and so much else hasn't.

that book shouldn't be read again and made mockery of now. it should be thrown away and cast out of our lives like a distant memory. i feel like to have somebody read it would be an intrusion upon my most private childish thoughts. They are thoughts that now as adults we keep hidden and deep down inside whereas when we were teens it was still worn on the sleeve for all to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. My best friend got married right out of high school. I thought it would be great to get everyones oppinions and congrats on video. well it started out well, after a few drinks not so fun and way to honest about everything. Then after alot and I mean alot of shots I got on the table with a wig and a bra and did a strip tease. I would give both nuts for that tape to disapear and never to return. Fact I have tried to steal it so many times he now locks it in his safe. Why I ask you, why do we make the most embarrasing things non eraseable?

7:03 PM  

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