Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oil and Water don't mix

It's frustrating when you have different group of friends who don't mix. It's not like I want everyone to be one big happy family (although that would be nice) and maybe I do want it that way. Why can't everyone get along like chocolate chip cookies and milk? See, my problem is that I want to go on a road trip but my friends won't get along with each other for the 2 days, 50+ hour ride to California. My girlfriend, the one person that I want to spend the most time with, has the most problems with getting along with my friends. She says she feels a) uncomfortable, or b) can't stand their personality, or c) have trouble communicating with the other friends.  It was her whole idea to bring along some friends for the trip and now that I asked if others want to come, my g/f has a problem with that.

Sometimes I wonder how my girlfriend and I are together. Our group of friends are so different and yet g/f and I get along together fine. I feel like we live on two separate worlds sometimes. Just yesterday, I was at the grocery store w/ my g/f and brought up a story of a nutritionist's husband who died of undiagnosed diabetes.  He was tremendously overweight. He was basically a walking heart attack.  Could the nutritionist have done something about his eating habits while he was alive, i mean they were husband and wife! Maybe and maybe not. I always tell my g/f to try and add more fruits and vegetables into her diet, even whole grain fibers would help her and a little bit of movement and physical activity goes a long way. Sometimes she takes my advice and other times, it's like I don't know her. Granted, I'm guilty of the same indulgences in my food choices and lifestyle.

It's also frustrating when my g/f is so sensitive to my side comments or remark I make about her. She says that I'm critical, too critical. I think she takes my comments quite personally, but I tell her because I want to communicate to her why what she does annoys me. I tell her what about her behavior or attitudes that makes me grouchy or petty. Everytime we argue about our differences, I always feel as if this relationship is doomed. I shouldn't be so shallow, but how does a relationship like ours stay strong we both are cut from different fabric? We both live on different principles and values, how we chose our career paths based on our personalities, different.. all different. We like different things. It's hard to pinpoint any similarities between her and me. Maybe except that we're both females and we sleep on the same bed. gah!


Blogger Tides In said...

I have a friend like that. Very sensitive to what I say. I choose my words carefully. Sometimes it's hard. They want the truth, and when you give it to them, they can't handle it.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Van Cong Tu said...

very interesting post. Thanks for stopping by

9:23 PM  

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