Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Anonymity and Blogs

I like to read blogs. They give me a bit of insight, a window into
someone else's world and for a little while, try to see what they see.
It makes me feel like i'm connected and a part of this world. that i'm
a seeing, thinking, human just like anyone else. it's not just blogs,
i love to surf around the web and find cool websites, learn about new
things, i can spend quite a lot of time on my computer. But most of
all, i like to read. I like to read and listen to what others have to
say about their life. It's like, I only get one life to live but w/
blogs i feel like i can live multiple lives at the same time...well,
almost like that. Anyways, it helps me get out of my head and into
someone else's cuz i feel like i'm in mines too much. Getting too
self-absorbed is not a good thing for me b/c then i start looking at
my life so pessimistically. anyhow, another thing is that i like to
learn about other people who has something interesting to say, i can
learn a good few things or two. Most of all, i like the anonymity of
it all. i can comment if i choose to or i can pass w/out sharing my
thoughts. i value the freedom of it all. to me, if someone is willing
to share something on-line, then it will be fair game to anyone who
decides to read it. Now, there will be those who abuse that privilege
and take it to the stalking extremes. So, that is when bloggers take
responsibility, use some common sense and don't share any identifying
information!! it's not that hard really.

i want to share w/ you all a little bit of immaturity that i
encountered last night. i am a little bit bothered, perturbed,
displeased by it and feel the need to tell it to my blog. last night,
i was reading another girl's blog (from now on, i'll call her High,
she likes to get high at least once a day), and at first i didn't
realize it, but i had to do a double take. I then realized she was
talking about me!! she didn't say my name, but she used a quote from
one of my entries and insulted me. here are her words:

" 'Anyways, listen to Michael Buble!' Stupid girl, stop reading my
_____ and acting like you're all original when you're getting that
shit off of my entries. Think of your own shit to blog about, ugly."

earlier that week, i had written in one of my entries encouraging some
of my readers to go listen to michael buble, i think he has a
beautiful voice. and for some "ODD" coincidence she has that kind of
taste and both High and i have been listening to buble for awhile.

needless to say, some kind of tension started building up in me. i
have never been cross to this person, and i don't even know her! I got
really irritated and went into looking how she found out about me. i
found that she's been using some tracker program, which tracks
readers. for some odd reason, i find a bit of humor in that. High
likes to write and she blogs almost everyday when she isn't high, but
then again, she gets high everyday. So i've been reading her blog
since the beginning of April, i liked her writing. I kept my opinions
to myself, never commented on her writing. my opinions about her has
dropped incredibly low, and that she has very bad taste to feel that
she needed to call me names like stupid and ugly.

it got me highly offended to think that i need some kind of
inspiration to write in my entries and therefore go to her. oooooohhh
cooommmoonn, ugh, excuse me, i could crack up and throw my drink at
her but that'd be a waste of a drink. and for goodness sake, it's just
music. buble is quite popular nowadays, i really don't think she has
the right to insult me on it just b/c she thinks i 'got the shit' off
her blog.

i responded in my entry w/:
"i'm not sure where some ppl get their negative energy from and i
really hate it when i meet ppl like that. i find it odd that some
people can be self-centered enough, or maybe low enough to think that
others simply cant find any inspirations in themselves so therefore go
and copy off of other self-centered people. be happy and dandy if it
floats your boat to think your world is that SMALL, cuz i have no
sympathy for you.

i think it's a little bit more of the jealousy side. when someone else
finds the same enjoyment from wearing that kind of clothing or listen
to that kind of music or like the same foods, to name a few.
self-centered people can feel like they're the only ones listening to
the music or find their kind of taste to be exotic so other ppl
shouldn't be able to share in that enjoyment.

i mean, fuck, buble is pretty popular nowadays--thanks to his voice
and his many songs in the movie, "Wedding Date"---Which is how i found
out about him, no fucking thanks to nobody, except the movie producers
and all those involved in making the movie.

i can't believe someone psst me off like that. shit, i actually
enjoyed reading your blog, thought you were a nice writer and a cool
person, so excuse me for making such assumptions about you."

i guess maybe she reacted like that b/c i was intruding too much onto
her private space, reading too much of her thoughts, so she needed to
insult me and make me go away. fine, there's plenty of other things to
read about, so i'll let High get on w/ her life and i hope she just
doesn't bother me either.

so what did i get from all this:
1) not to read her blog anymore, she made her point clear
2) im beginning to dislike those tracker things b/c i realized that a
lot of other ppl are doing the tracking as well


Blogger straighttalker05 said...

I promise not to write bad things about you if you promise not to write bad things about me?

Some people are just like that. Just be glad you don't need her.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Van Cong Tu said...

Such a long post and I agree with straighttalker05

6:36 AM  

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