Thursday, December 01, 2005

My Time To Share With You

I've been searching around for volunteer opportunities. Gotta leave myself room to study and have fun as well. But just signing up for opportunities is already making my heart feel lighter. I've always said I wanted to help out and be more selfless--volunteering is the perfect way for me to do it. It would get me to think less of myself and more about others.I can learn a lot of things as well.

Such as learning to be more non-judgemental. If you asked my friends, they would say, "HER? she's not, in fact, the LEAST judgemental of all." But haha, they know not what goes through my head. Lots. And one of the things I find myself thinking about is why he/she is living the way she does, I analyze, and analyze again what's going on in her head, etc, etc. They're not negative thoughts about the other, actually, it almost feels as if I'm comparing my life to theirs. Like why their approach works and not mines.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to work at a Child Crisis Nursery center just watching over the kids for about 2-4 hours a week. Another thing I'm looking into is a Crisis hotline number, being on call during the 24 hour day and picking up call for people who desperately needs someone to talk to.

I feel as if the past two years of my college career, I've been asleep. Yeah, Sleeping through my academic career. There hasn't been much things that is of significance that I've done. Yeah, I dealt with a lot of personal problems, at some point about a year ago that I had to go to therapy simply cause I couldn't hold all my problems inside myself anymore. I dealt with my family moving so far away from me. My huge crush on my roommate, whom btw is my sweet little girlfriend now. Helped a friend who was dealing with some jail time. Giving him lots of love and support. Though I have learned a lot and enjoyed a little bit of good times, I don't have nothing to show if I were to move somewhere in life. I need experiences and references and becoming less shy. I still feel like a shy child, always smiling. That's it. Meaningless smiles = meaningless life. Well, that's not exactly true to the whole sentence, but still, a good chunk of it.

Ok, that's enough of my rant for today lest I confuse you further. My brain is darting all over the place. *cough* ta ta! Hope you enjoy(ed) your day!


Blogger straighttalker05 said...

Good to hear you're going to do some good work.

It's good for others are well as yourself.

4:38 PM  

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