Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Jealousy as GREEN as that green apple

Jealousy is one of my weak points. I've heard that it's a lot of people's weak points.

Those two sentences sums up my problem. When I read another person's blog or see all their pictures they put up on facebook and I see all the fun they have I get jealous. I think about why their life works and why mines doesn't. Why their approach brings to them loads of fun and my approach brings me nil. ok, it's not that extreme. I've heard the general advice, don't look at other people's lives, focus on your own. There's always gonna be someone smarter, better looking, richer, skinnier and all that and then some. So quit it!!

There's the advice of looking at my good sides and work from there. Build my self-esteem with encouraging words. That I can achieve, that with the attributes and skills that I have I can have anything I choose. Anything that I want on this world, as long as I dedicate my power and energy to it, that it is possible.

I stray from that advice many times a day. But I also think about the things that makes me lucky. My ever-growing sisters, my hardworking and dedicated parents, a girlfriend who loves me and encourages me, and my friends who are always near to lend an ear. I have those who makes my life high-quality. And I know they all believe in me. I love them so much for that. Sometimes I feel like I let them down because, in my head, their expectations of me seems too high.

But I'm working on it. I'm working to make myself stronger. By being selfless and helping others, I can make it.


Blogger straighttalker05 said...

This is why the internet sucks a little sometimes.

But sure everyone else has their flaws too.. zoom in on the pics and you'll see them lol!

Merry Christmas

4:59 AM  

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